Biscuit roll

As always, this recipe is easily prepared, fast, delicious and impressive.

You have to have:

0.5 cups. flour
0.5 cups. sugar
3 eggs
1 packet of baking powder

Mix all very well and beat up on the empty baking tray covered by foil (don't use baking paper because sponge stick totally!).
Bake in a heated about 20 minutes, at about 180C temperature.

The filling prepare in advance. It can be whipped cream and sour cream whipped with sugar, or creamy cream and jam or marmalade as it is on my photo.

Warm sponge cake fill in with your filling and use foil for make a rolls. You can sprinkle powdered sugar also.
Bon appetit!


Jacqueline Meldrum said...

This looks delicious!

Sunshinemom said...

Thanks for the visit, Mary! The roll looks light and tasty and I love the way you have shot it:)

Sophie said...

That looks so tasty! The cake looks very moist, I like the idea of adding a jam filling :).

Sharon said...

Hmm, I'd like to put nutella in the middle! It looks lovely.

Anonymous said...

Hi.. I'm really glad that vegetables can transform in a look into a yummy food. Because today my child doesn't eat vegetables. he doesn't attracted by the vegetables that I've cooked and i don't know what to do. I'm really worry about his health because he frequently eat junk foods and candies. But now i saw the the one of my solution on how to attract him to eat vegetables. thanks for the recipes.
