Fruits in the "air batter"

If you need to cook something quickly for your hungry kids,
keep in minds this recipe that I discover recently.

I call the dough for it "air batter" because it really very airy.
This is because the ingredients I take for it.

Firstly about fruits. You are free to take any fruits that you have
exactly now like apples, peaches, bananas, plums, pineapple etc.
But I think citrus fruits aren't good for it, just not fit.

Okay, now about batter. This is cool. You have to take 1 egg and beat
up with 1 tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt.
After add potato starch and wheat flour, 2 tablespoons both.
Continue beating. The batter have to be enough liquid, similar sour cream by consistence.

The pieces of fruits dip in the batter and use your favorite frying
pan or deep fry. The deep fry seem better. In case you use deep fry use
napkin for remover excess oil.

Spread with honey. Very tasty with warm milk. Enjoy!


Jacqueline Meldrum said...

These sound great, if a bit calorific :)

Anonymous said...

This looks delicious! I love tempura in any form! The more calorific the better.
By the way, I will add you to my new blog (as noted below). I used to be at Writing at the Kitchen Table.

Sophie said...

This sounds so tasty, what a fun idea. Looks like a yummy snack :).